Do You Want to Make a Difference in 2019?

Attention all NRCA alumni at UConn! The NRCA is currently seeking applicants to its Difference Maker Program!



As a Difference Maker, you will use skills and knowledge gained during your own time with the NRCA to help current participants. Your efforts will contribute to the success of both the Conservation Ambassador Program (CAP) and the Conservation Training Partnerships program (CTP). Applications are open to all former NRCA students currently enrolled at UConn, and is available with Spring 2019 Semester, CAP 2019 Field Experience, and Fall 2019 Semester options.


Pictured above are three Difference Makers who took part in the program this year: (Left) Kenechi Nkwo (NRCA Class of 2016), a sophomore studying in Human Development and Family Studies; (Middle) Mari Cullerton (NRCA Class of 2014), a sophomore studying Natural Resources; and (Right) Hannah Curran (NRCA Class of 2016), a sophomore studying Environmental Studies and English.


We talked with Kenechi and Hannah about their time as Difference Makers. Read more about their experiences below:


How did you learn about the Difference Maker Program?

Kenechi: I learned about the Difference Maker program via contact by Mrs. Cisneros and Ms. Abby about the opportunity.

Hannah: I learned about the Difference Maker Program through Abby and Laura, who reached out to current UConn students who were also NRCA alumni.


Why were you interested in becoming a Difference Maker?

Kenechi: I was interested in becoming a Difference Maker because I really want to impact the world in a way that will make a positive difference. To be able to take this pursuit into the environmental world was something I had been passionate about since I was younger. Also, having the opportunity to work for the same program that I wondered at after participating in it during high school was another great experience that I wanted to relive! It was an overall great opportunity!

Hannah: I was interested in becoming a Difference Maker because, as a high school student in CAP, I learned many valuable lessons about time management, organization, and practicality. I wanted to be able to share the valuable experience I had with current NRCA students, as it would contribute greatly to their own participation in their programs.


How were you involved in the Difference Maker Program, and how was the experience?

Kenechi: I thoroughly enjoyed it! I was able to take part in helping to further the NRCA’s CAP, CTP, and TPL initiatives in different ways through social media, infographics, cutting brochures, and more! I learned a lot from it and it has inspired me to think about the things that I could do to further any initiatives I may have or be a part of in the future! I chose to participate in the semester Difference Maker option.

Hannah: I was a Difference Maker during the Fall 2018 Semester. I worked mostly in the NRCA office with Abby and Laura. Day to day, the tasks could range from anything to alumni outreach, to inventory for upcoming programs, to management of social media sites. I enjoyed social media posting the most, since I got to learn so much about current projects!


What aspect of being a Difference Maker did you find most rewarding?

Kenechi: The aspect of being a Difference Maker that I enjoyed the most (although I enjoyed all of it) was working with the social media and infographic portion of it. This helped me to have an idea of how organizations make their presence on social media, formulate fun and creative informational graphics, and the do’s and don’ts of the content that they post.

Hannah: I found the contribution I could make, no matter how small, the most rewarding. The small things I was able to do, like recruitment, inventory, alumni outreach, allowed Abby and Laura to focus on their students and programs, enhancing the quality of current participants’ experiences.


The Difference Maker Program is currently accepting applications for all interested and eligible students. To apply, click here.